Welcome to KAWT

Kenya Association of Women in Tourism (KAWT) is the
credible voice and choice for women in tourism and
hospitality industry.
Our Impact

Women`s Empowerment Platform

KAWT bring women together to share expertise,
insights and experience in the tourism and
hospitality industry.

About Us

One of our objective is to unite and mobilize women in the tourism and hospitality sector to take an active role in the promotion of tourism in Kenya and come up with programs that promote and enhance social harmony.

Our Mission

To empower women through policy, advocacy and participation in the tourism industry

Our Vision

The credible voice and choice for our members and the industry.

Chairperson's Message

Kenya has a rich tourism resource base with its magnificent coast line, 60 national parks and reserves, and many other breathtaking attractions all over the country. This has made tourism an important economic activity in Kenya and members of KAWT are cognizant of the deliberate efforts by the Government to boost the industry through policies and investments.

KAWT Strategic Plan 2024 - 2028

Our Strategic Plan (2019-2023) is a tool guiding the operations of our Association for the next five years. The strategic plan redefines the shared purpose for existence and the long-term goals. It identifies the Key Strategic Goals, Strategic Objectives, Strategies and Resource requirements for KAWT.

Are you a lady in Tourism and Hospitality industries? Join us and get empowered.

Become a Member

Why become a member


Excellent networking opportunities both locally and internationally.


Opportunities to speak and or promote your business at KAWT functions.

Events Dicsount

Member discount prices to all Association events and functions.


Support of the local communities through participation in CSR.

Our Partners & Sponsors

Ministry of Tourism
Inc. 5000
Inc. 5000
Inc. 5000
Kenya Airports Authority
Ministry of Tourism
International Hotel and Tourism Institute
The Global Travel and Tourism Partnership